10th FIWARE Global Summit

Mostra D’Oltremare, Naples Viale John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 54, Napoli, Italy

Join the data revolution! Collaborate. Innovate. Make a difference. In today’s digital world, data empowers us to tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges. True progress comes through collaborative efforts...

NexusForum2024 Summit – Building a European Edge Cloud: From Theory to Action

Area42 Brussels, Belgium

With room for 300 EU experts in cloud, edge and digital sovereignty, NexusForum2024 will create a unique space for exploring together new, high-impact technological collaborations between the European research and industry ecosystems. The rapid consolidation...

Global IoT and Edge Computing Summit 2024


The GIECS is an international conference established to attract and present the latest research results in IoT and Edge Computing. It intends to select the best papers through a systematic peer...

European Big Data Value Forum


The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) brings together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers from all over Europe and other regions of the world to advance policy actions...


In the dynamic landscape of communication technology, the convergence of open source software, standardization, and cutting-edge research stands as a cornerstone for building resilient and sustainable networks. ETSI has pioneered...

IoT Solutions World Congress

Barcelona Barcelona, Spain

The IOT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC) is the leading global event focused on the transformative power of IoT, AI, and digital transformation. It’s where industry leaders, innovators, and decision-makers come...