P2CODE Use Case | Smart PPDR

The objective is to evaluate scenarios for smart PPDR with UAVs and ground robot through collaboration and coordination.

The concept


Edge node: under-the-hood

  • Advanced AI-assisted search & rescue operations
  • Dynamic service deployment and reconfiguration


  • UoP (University of Patras) 5G/IoT Testbed (hosts P2CODE platform & edge AI, 5G infrastructure connectivity to the UAVs and ground robot)
  • UWS (University of the West of Scotland), UoP, K3Y Technologies/assets involved: 5G connectivity for the UAVs and ground robot, AI for human detection, UAV route planning, dynamic ad-hoc edge setup, coordination commands among UAVs, coordinated resource reconfiguration across edges

P2CODE aims to showcase…

  • Collaborative services from UAVs and ground robot for PPDR missions
  • Advanced AI-assisted search & rescue operations
  • Dynamic ad-hoc edge setup
  • Coordinated operation among UAVs
  • Coordinated resource reconfiguration across edges

… so as deliver the following values:

  • Improved efficiency in PPDR missions
  • Minimised human intervention in search & rescue operations
  • Optimised resources in critical service delivery