Meet the Consortium: MADE

MADE is one of the eight Italian Competence Centers acknowledged as Digital Innovation Hub by the European Union. The MADE vision is to lead companies digital and sustainable transformation providing a set of knowledge, methods, technical and managerial skills on digital technologies to support companies in their digital transformation towards Industry 4.0. On the other hand, thanks to the large demo-center of over 2000 m^2, it provides an I4.0 – based pilot production facility for pioneering test, demonstration and development project realization. Services: informing and showing Industry 4.0 technologies, explaining them by specific training activities, and then transferring and implementing technological solutions through projects (Test Before Invest). MADE is therefore proposed as a technical interlocutor to which companies can turn not only to manage activities of innovation, technology transfer, applied research and assistance during the implementation of 4.0 technologies, but also to receive a suitable support to reconsider their organizational and business models, suggesting strategic aspects to maintain their high competitive level.

MADE is a public-private consortium attracting investments for more than 22M EUR in 2019-2021 horizon. It is composed of 47 partners clustered in: 4 Universities, 2 research facilities and Manufacturing Companies including software technology providers and one public entity. MADE is coordinating EDIH Lombardia, candidate for European Digital Innovation Hub network, a consortium of 15 partners aiming at supporting industry digital transformation in Europe.
What is your organization’s role in the project? What unique contribution does it bring to the team?
MADE is providing Operator 4.0 use case to validate and demonstrate the INCODE platform in a preindustrial scenario. The scenario reflects the work of a human operator, who is performing a repetitive task implying the handling of material equipped with an exoskeleton, releasing muscle effort. As soon as the wearable device sensors combine they variable in a fatigue-like situation, cobot are reinstructed about the effective position where to deliver the good to be moved, ensuring a safer handling by the operator and/or an alert advise the operator on the use of exoskeleton. In this sense MADE will provide its testing facilities for Test Before Invest activities, ensuring marketability of solution as well as its consortium competence. Finally it will support dissemination and networking activities liaising with European Digital Innovation Hubs, Industrial Association and Technology Cluster.

Why is this project important for your organization?
The project will allow to achieve effective management and improving adaptive human-machine interaction in smart factories as well as ensuring healthy operators. In addition INCODE will increase competence and skills on a wide-open, secure and trusted IoT-to-edge-to-cloud compute continuum that will realize the true potentials of edge intelligence in manufacturing industry.
Who are the key people involved?
- Maria Rossetti, Project Manager
- Aurora Mariani, Communication specialist
- Massimiliano Gaglione, Technical Specialist
- Daniel Camilo Ruiz, Technical Specialist