INCODE Partners Shed Light on Swarm Systems across Computing Continuum at EBDVF 2023
We are back from EBDVF 2023, the event organised by the European Big Data Value Association which took place in Valencia from the 25 to 27 October 2023. INCODE partners contributed to the conversations on the future of Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Europe, shedding light on swarm systems across computing continuum. Read our summary of the event!
Summary of INCODE Participation to EBDVF 2023
INCODE partners shared their expertise and perspectives in several sessions. The session “European Efforts on Creating Sustainable Heterogeneous Swarm Systems Across Computing Continuum”, co-organised with Horizon Europe’s TaRDIS project, brought together experts from Uni Systems, Martel Innovate, Digital for Planet and NOVA University of Lisbon to discuss the challenges of developing applications across the continuum, how to align with market needs and support from the EU CloudEdgeIoT community.

The other sessions focused on manufacturing, highlighting the contributions from our partners Politecnico di Milano and MADE Competence Center. In the session “Accelerating the Adoption of Manufacturing Use-Cases through Computing Continuum and Data Spaces“, MADE’s Maria Rossetti delved into computing continuum and data spaces applications that are driving the transformation of European manufacturing, presenting INCODE’s Application Area 3 for smart worker assistance.
Partners’ presentations can be downloaded here: