The ETSI OSL community is organizing an OSL Demo at its TECH Day on 29 February 2024. The event will be hosted online. Participation is free and open to all upon registration. OpenSlice is an open-source Operation Support System (OSS) offering Service Design, Orchestration and Delivery following widely used industry standards. It allows the customization...

Data Spaces Symposium 2024

The world’s largest event on data spaces is coming back for a second edition – gathering industry leaders, experts, and policymakers to showcase endless market-ready use cases and exploring new frontiers in the Data Spaces journey! After the incredible success of the 2023 edition in The Hague, the Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) and the...

Research and Innovation Week

Brussels, Belgium

The Research and Innovation Week (R&I Week) is the 2024 European Commission’s flagship event on research and innovation which will take place between 18 and 21 March 2024 in Tour & Taxis (Brussels, Belgium). Celebrating the 40-year journey through the Research and Innovation Framework Programmes, the R&I Week 2024 will debate the future of R&I and shape the contribution to EU political priorities,...

“Tackling the ever-increasing complexities of developing efficient heterogeneous swarm systems” – an EUCloudEdgeIoT Webinar


As Europe creates a pathway for the understanding and development of the Cloud, Edge and IoT Continuum and supporting research and innovation initiatives to develop applications across the continuum, the paradigm also incorporates development of swarm and decentralized applications. In edge computing scenarios where there is a need for decentralized decision-making and coordination among edge...

EUCloudEdgeIoT Open Continuum Final Conference

Brussels, Belgium

The Open Continuum Final Conference will focus on the value of the EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu (EUCEI) community research for the industry, highlighting the latest advancements and results of the Open Continuum CSA and the more than 50 research and innovation actions that it has supported. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in engaging panel discussions, hear...

10th FIWARE Global Summit

Mostra D’Oltremare, Naples Viale John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 54, Napoli, Italy

Join the data revolution! Collaborate. Innovate. Make a difference. In today’s digital world, data empowers us to tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges. True progress comes through collaborative efforts to unlock its full potential. The FIWARE Global Summit brings together a passionate community eager to share knowledge, develop impactful solutions, and create a lasting...

NexusForum2024 Summit – Building a European Edge Cloud: From Theory to Action

Area42 Brussels, Belgium

With room for 300 EU experts in cloud, edge and digital sovereignty, NexusForum2024 will create a unique space for exploring together new, high-impact technological collaborations between the European research and industry ecosystems. The rapid consolidation of the Edge Computing paradigm is having an extraordinary impact on Europe at scientific, technological, socio-economic, and geopolitical levels, as traditionally separated fields like HPC, Cloud, and...

Global IoT and Edge Computing Summit 2024


The GIECS is an international conference established to attract and present the latest research results in IoT and Edge Computing. It intends to select the best papers through a systematic peer review process. GIECS invites contributions from researchers, developers, and practitioners working at the intersection of cloud, edge, and IoT, fostering a deeper understanding of how...

European Big Data Value Forum


The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) brings together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers from all over Europe and other regions of the world to advance policy actions and industrial and research activities in the areas of Data and AI.  This year, the event will take place in Budapest, Hungary from 2-4 October...


In the dynamic landscape of communication technology, the convergence of open source software, standardization, and cutting-edge research stands as a cornerstone for building resilient and sustainable networks. ETSI has pioneered an approach in establishing Software Development Groups, alongside research-driven early-stage standardization in Industry Specification Groups, all in close proximity to 3GPP. This event, spanning a...